Sunday, November 22, 2015


A dingo has a bushy tail and it's fur color is mostly sand to reddish color can also be black,white and light brown.A dingoes tail feels like a whiskey wire.A dingoes ear is very large and pointy so it's easy for them to erect their ears.A dingoes paw print isn't big but they have four finger paw that make their paw print look big.A dingoes habitat is alpine, woodland, grassland, desert, tropical regions, rain forest of  Australia and  Asia  but not the snow-covered mountain of  Eastern Australia. Usually dingoes can be found in Australia, south Asia -Thailand, Queens land, New South wales and Canada.The kingdom name for a dingo is Animalia. dingoes usually eat Tasmanian devils,Grasshoppers,Wallaby, wombats, sheep, rabbits, Dusky rat, red kangaroo and a shark